Coaching Enquiry
Do you want to lose body weight, feel confident and not have to diet for the rest of your life?
Curious to explore the options for working together to experience seamless weight loss (without cutting out foods you love)?
What if I told you there’s a way to lose weight on your terms AND actually maintain it?
And I teach you HOW..
I don’t believe in any “one size fits all” approaches, so I’ve created a simple application system that will help identify the right support for you and ensure I can help you with these goals.
What if losing weight could feel easy?
I am going to show you HOW… Apply here to fall back in LOVE with your body!
Why CindaFit is Unique
Why CindaFit is Unique
If you're still reading, maybe there's something holding you back.
Perhaps you’re wondering...
CindaFit Nutrition is tailored to your body and its needs. This is the only way to lose weight and maintain it (along with creating habits we enjoy so we can adhere to). When we do the maintenance weeks, I show you how you merge to your body's maintenance.
Every week, in the fat loss phase, we check your notes and sessions are customized to your needs your challenges, overlooking your food diary and nutrition so you can learn how to do this yourself after the program and never need another diet again.
With my hand on my heart - if you are going to follow my work, there is no way it won't.
I have complete confidence in this, and my highest support.
With years of studies and social proof in the program, tools, plus your commitment, there is no way it wouldn't work!
I work very closely with my clients, week in and out; the work is far beyond the program duration, with an initial welcome and prep start package created and planned with two days followed by a pre-start week before the program commences!
It is the planning and attention to detail that ensures my clients are the next success story.
Within this, not everyone may feel aligned with my work and style, and that’s OK!
This is why we have an initial chat. I need to be sure you will be a great fit for my program, which is -at the end of the day, your results are mine; as you have seen with my success stories from day dot, I am as invested in the journey as you are!
So, of course, we need to be on the same page for these goals, which is why I am realistic and honest and will let you know what is achievable in what time frame on my programs and work.
At the end of the day, you have two choices: Wait for a perfect time (which never comes) or create that time.
If you are reading this, I know making change is important to you, it’s on your mind.. and maybe you are feeling uncomfortable in your clothes and like your weight is only on the up!
So here is the thing: if reaching your goals and making long-term changes is truly important to you, you will prioritize it.
You will never feel like things are a “perfect time.” I will show you how to navigate the challenging weeks, as you will have these off the program, too!
On a personal note, if I waited for a perfect time in life to do half the new things I had done, I certainly wouldn't be where I am!
If you're feeling nervous, that’s normal, and that’s why I want to reassure you I will be here with you in each step, so you are not navigating this alone!
So, let’s rephrase this: what will I miss out on IF I don’t jump in?
Here is the thing about time: it will be ticking away in the background whether you are achieving your weight or nutrition goals and creating a life you want to live or living with fear and regret.
After the program, you have been equipped to lose weight and then also equipped to go into a maintenance zone.
Having this knowledge will allow you to lose weight in the future with my tools and framework - yet if you have loved my accountability and having eyes on your week so you always know where to turn with check-ins and goal planning, I have an option for existing clients to complete the extension blocks of my work within weeks past the program!
There are new blocks and parts we undertaker in these are your initial goals are different and the work we have to do!
I will show you how to do this in the program after the fat-loss phase!
Unlike most programs, I add maintenance to the CindaFit work, so you are fully prepared for this and know how to do this. In past diets, perhaps you have been unable to maintain them as they have been restrictive habits to lose weight. This is only going to lead back to starting over!
Yet, maintaining is a different concept to fat loss and needs to be tailored to your body to be successful.
I encourage you to watch the movies by Jenna & Suzan (on the program page)
Both were taken over TWO YEARS after the journey with CindaFit, showing the long-term impact of learning to maintain your body weight.
I hear you…
You almost wouldn't believe the number of times new clients say this before CindaFit! Many factors surround this.
Firstly, healthy food doesn't equal fat loss; we need to look at your body's energy needs to create a consecutive deficit for your body. Secondly, the quality of your food and the amount of ‘volume you're adding’ can come into this, so I create recipes for fat loss.
Thirdly, have you only been eating “healthy” with a “restrictive” mindset? … you end up having a few extra BLTs (bites, licks and tastes), which takes you out of the deficit and overeating!
Or worse…. Slashing your tires and eating all in sight!) after a “good” week?
Please ask yourself this: How do you have time now to cook?
At the end of the day, you must eat, so my work allows you to make an educated choice.
I have also created a done-for-you recipe library with over 80 recipes dedicated to ‘Quick Cooks’.
PLUS over 200+ family-friendly meals.
Most clients say they save time as they are following a recipe rather than second guessing what they will cook and having no routine.
If your still unsure, you can try delicious recipes for FREE by signing up for the goodies on the home page.
First, let me say WELCOME!
You're in the right place.
I specialise in creating planning for families. I have worked with over 500 mums (some with the fussiest eaters), and they request CindaFit meals now!
My work is made to be family-loved because here is the thing: if everyone is on board, suddenly you have a seamless lifestyle loved by everyone, and you're reaching your weight loss and nutrition goals seamlessly!
Your lifestyle needs to be easy, so you adhere to it!
Of course, creating rules and restrictions is going to be hard.
I have spent over eight years crafting a program for females to be EASY. I have made it seamless, fun, and enjoyable, so your only question is, why didn't I start sooner?
When you enjoy what you do, LOVE the food, have support in your corner and are accountable to make the changes, it's EASY!
And guess what? When you have the framework and tools that match it - you have your missing link for long-term SUSTAINABLE fat loss.
Firstly, have a read my about my page?
I am of Italian heritage, so I almost guarantee you food is culture here! I love food, and I LOVE big meals, so I feel satisfied.
I show you how to eat more and lose weight- I will not show you how to eat less.
I have many options for my programs to help accommodate all my clients' needs.
If we are a great fit and I can help you with your current nutrition challenges, we can find the most suitable option for your needs.
I get it… I truly do!
I have felt this way before, too, but here is the thing: if nothing changes, nothing changes!
And if you feel called to this and you are reading this, you’re here for a reason!
I want you to ask yourself, “What is truly important here”?
Followed by am, “I OK not knowing what could have been”?
I believe you will find your answer in these!
Also, remember, if you do what you have always done, you can only expect the results you have always gotten.