Hello and Welcome!
I’m so thrilled you’re here
Because it means you not only care about your health and nutrition, but you’re ready to do something about your weight loss once and for all!
700 success stories (and counting)
700 success stories (and counting) ♥
If we haven’t met yet,
I’m Cinda!!
I am the founder of CindaFit Nutrition, and my passion lies in creating nutrition programs that give you the exact tools you need to reach your goal weight and live a well-balanced, nutritionally healthy lifestyle—so you can finally say goodbye to ‘fad diets’! I do this through education, using my proven Nutritional Transfigure Framework™ and personalised guidance.
With over 700 success stories (and counting), my CindaFit programs change lives for the better. They build confidence within women, many of whom have struggled with body image insecurities for years, and they inspire females to take back control—no longer allowing their weight and binge eating habits to affect their quality of life.
So, if you’re ready for methods that empower you to create a lifestyle that you can maintain while eating out and enjoying balance, you’re in the right place!
Why I’m so passionate about nutrition...
For as long as I can remember, food has always been a massive part of my life. Coming from an Italian heritage—it’s part of our culture!
All family functions revolved around food, and I LOVED being in the kitchen, helping prepare these meals.
On weekends when I was not playing sports, you’d find me baking with my Mama (she’d always let me lick the bowls!), and from a young age, I developed a passion for creating recipes that tasted AMAZING and that EVERYONE COULD ENJOY (anything sweet or chocolate had my name on it!).
And yes, I know what you’re thinking…
She’s a weight-loss nutritionist, and she loves food?!
And my answer is:
Some things about me
Are you ready to achieve your weight loss goals AND FINALLY have FUN throughout the process (eating foods you love)?
How CindaFit flourished…
Before I began CindaFit Nutrition
I was a qualified Paramedic, which was my first career out of school. I landed here as I followed in my mother's inspirational footsteps and took the advice of what people ‘thought’ would be best for me.
Well, it turns out this didn’t allow me to share my passion and love for nutrition and baking (which is where my heart was).
Instead, I became burnt out doing a job I didn’t enjoy. I ended up 10 kg heavier, which affected my confidence, and I was unhappy with how my clothes fit as they felt uncomfortable and tight.
I’d allow myself cheat days on the weekends
To survive my shift work and constantly felt guilty as if I was undoing all the progress I’d made week in and week out. I thought that less was best when it came to my diet and nutrition, and I was always FEARFUL about eating out and gaining more weight—and so the cycle continued!
Through all of this, I kept coming back to my LOVE for nutrition—I knew there had to be a solution!
I began my studies in nutrition & started sharing MY JOURNEY
So, on my days off, I began my studies in nutrition. I learnt the tools and techniques needed to create macronutrient-friendly recipes and developed NEW habits I could use on autopilot that supported my shift work, even during the busiest weeks!
I started sharing MY JOURNEY on my social media, and things began to take off quickly…
My methods allowed me to lose 10 kg successfully!!
And throughout the process, never did I go without my favourite foods! In fact, I learnt how to include them and still lose kilogram after kilogram—it was INCREDIBLE!
Understanding macronutrients and the methods which I now teach in my programs changed my relationship with food. I was eating my favourites—pizza, pasta, Snickers slices (which is now a famous and much-loved recipe in my book, In the Kitchen with CindaFit), and so many old favourites such as shepherd's pie, curries and rice—no food was off limits!
CindaFit Nutritional Transfigure Brilliance ™ was born to help others on the same journey
Suddenly, others wanted help doing the same. I had waitlists of clients wanting to sign up for the program I used, and just like that, months of work secured in my diary.
My dream was quickly becoming my reality! I chose to listen to my heart, and it was here, right at the beginning, that the inspiration for my business came about—all stemming from me changing my life with nutrition! Today I’ve been able to successfully maintain my own body weight loss for over 10 years, using the approach that’s now my signature framework— CindaFit Nutritional Transfigure Brilliance ™.
And as for CindaFit, it bloomed!
The impact and experience in the programs spoke for themselves, the results were unmatched, and the unique strategies started changing lives, with success story after success story.
As much as all this sounds exciting, I’ll admit it was a scary change. Don't forget I left my full-time career of five years at the age of 26 to follow my passion and run a business.
Looking back + making changes
But, looking back now, can you imagine if I hadn’t taken this leap?
More importantly, imagine the hundreds of lives that may not have been impacted, all if I’d allowed the fear of the unknown to stop my growth!
My question to you is, what happens if you don't make the change you’re thinking of making? What impact will that have on your life?
Find freedom in food using a framework that allows me to eat what I love most and lose weight!
This is the first time in my life I’ve been able to stick to something!
This is the first time in my life I’ve been able to stick to something! ❞
CindaFit creates your FOREVER lifestyle…
After trying many unsuccessful 'fad diets’, going through years of restriction, and being sick of ‘starting over’ every Monday, women come to CindaFit in frustration and defeat.
And then suddenly, women who said, “I’ve tried it all”, and “I can't stick to anything”,
”I can manage my nutrition around what life throws at me!!”
“This is the first time in my life I’ve been able to stick to something!”
As a result, my clients are…
FINALLY IN LOVE who they see when they look in the mirror! They’re now losing weight with food enjoyment and moderation! Gone are the days when they stress about social outings, going to the beach, living a life of restriction followed by binge eating OR looking at a ‘fad’ approach—they've never looked back.
The unique Transfigure Framework™ has given clients the exact solutions to handle what life throws at them with healthy habits on autopilot!
My clients are…
Proud mums showing their families NEW sustainable habits.
Standing at their child's graduation wearing a gown they never DREAMED would fit.
Women RADIATING confidence on their wedding day.
Females working a career, FUELLING their bodies to reduce the brain fog.
Ladies reaching fitness and health MILESTONES.
Women making EMPOWERING changes and living the lifestyle they deserve!
Your biggest regret will be that you didn’t start sooner!
If this is the lifestyle you want to create, you’ve come to the right place.
I’m committed to showing you how incredible it can feel when you take control of your food and nutrition!
Are you ready to lose weight sustainably?
Are you ready to lose weight sustainably? ♥
Sustainability is your missing link…
I produce programs that are sustainable for ALL FEMALES. They’re family-friendly, suitable for those with demanding work schedules, and personalised to align with your lifestyle and daily energy needs.
The weekly support from me and the work you put in at CindaFit are what hold you accountable for these changes to occur—because I ensure we’re creating new practices and habits to implement in your lifestyle that you’ll actually ENJOY!
My philosophy is that balance is a must-have ingredient for living a wholesome and healthy life. Therefore, understanding macronutrients and their role in the body is crucial to supporting this and at the core of all I teach.
And as you can see, the proof is in the pudding with these results (and my clients don’t miss out on the pudding!).
Over 700 women can’t be wrong!
ways to work with me
My specialities:
Female Weight Loss & Improved Relationship with Food
Gain an Abundance of Family-Friendly Recipes
Understanding macronutrients for your fat loss inside my programs!
Is it time to make a promise to yourself?
To commit to the change and stop finding excuses for why it won't work.
A month from now, you could look back and see your progression, feel your newfound confidence and be celebrating your results.
With the sustainable framework, tools and YOUR commitment to change, I promise that you’ll finally say,
‘This is too EASY!’
My mission at CindaFit…
I’ve never been more ready for change!!
I’m ready for WOW-FACTOR weight loss and a LIFESTYLE I can use forever.